Michal Poston - El Mirage, Arizona

Written by transformyou | Oct 18, 2010 7:00:00 AM

I decided to give the HCG diet another chance, in an effort to better my health and lose weight for my upcoming wedding. I had tried it twice before, on my own, but found greater success and much more guidance with Dr. Bird.  After 3 weeks, I lost a total of 20 lbs and several inches but lost a total of 50 lbs since the first time trying the diet months earlier.

I tried on my wedding gown just days after completing the restricted diet portion and found that the dress fits beautifully. All my hard work on the HCG diet paid off, and I couldn't be happier.   

In addition to looking so much better in my dress, I find that I have much more energy and whatever health problems I was facing before the diet had disappeared. I would recommend this diet to anyone serious about losing weight and keeping it off.