Paula Liston - Phoenix, Arizona

Written by transformyou | Jul 5, 2009 7:00:00 AM

Dear Dr. Bird,
Thank you so much for your consultation and direction on the HCG weight loss system.
I want to share with you how I began and the amazing success I had, not only in the weight loss but how I have managed to keep the weight off at 45 years of age. I knew going in that the program was going to attack the abnormal fat in my body that had built up for years. Dieting, change of eating habits, and exercise were not getting to that area. The HCG diet knocked it out and fast.
I began the program weighing 192 pounds. In the time allotted I ended the program weighing 166 pounds and I am excited. I went from a size 14 to a size 10 and I'm going to do another round of the diet to get down to my normal size. I thought the program was going to be harder and the shots unbearable but to my surprise, it was all quite easy. The shots were very easy and you almost don't feel them. Preparing the syringes in 1-week quantities made that easier since they were readily available. My husband assisted in preparing my daily meals and kept me on track.
The excitement of running downstairs to get on the scale had the whole house ECSTATIC, every day was something new.
During this diet I slept better, no longer had my bouts with IBS, and my monthly cycle was one of the easiest I have had in quite some time. I had energy and never felt sluggish.  My long work schedule was a breeze. 
I can't wait to start my next regime because HCG works. Dr. Bird's program works for anybody and everybody who has those stubborn pounds to lose. He was always available and made me feel confident and comfortable throughout the entire program.