Xochitl Calderon - Tempe, Arizona

Written by transformyou | Mar 9, 2010 7:00:00 AM

If you want to see a great transformation to your body in a short time you have to give the HCG diet a chance.

I thought my best friend and her sister were NUTS when they told me what they signed up to do! They were weighing their food (…our culture does not do that), eating 500 calories (…NO WAY!), and giving themselves shots (……..OMG!). I could not believe it!  After three weeks of watching them melt the weight away, I too wanted to join up. Although I did not have as much weight to lose ….I thought for sure the Dr. would think I was NUTS! I even had my family tell me I was not obese and what was I thinking. At 47 years old, 5 foot nothing, and 145 lbs ---my weight was out of control.  I had been trying to lose weight for over a year and was unsuccessful. I was going to the gym, dancing, hiking and apparently NOT eating right! I was frustrated!

After seeing my friends losing weight, I made the call to Dr. Bird’s office. I was still a bit reluctant and yet made an appointment anyway. The staff was so wonderful and friendly; both on the phone and in the office. This was not just to lure me in either! I received the same treatment throughout my experience. I was so surprised to get started and see results so quickly. The support I received both from the staff and Dr. Bird was amazing. He was very accessible ….by phone, email, and each visit was very comfortable. Having a very busy lifestyle, I never had problems making last minute weekly appointments. Dr. Bird always took the time to answer all my questions with comfort and ease.
I have lost 30 lbs at this point in my journey. I am now in the maintenance stage and continue to be successful. I am very pleased to report that I continue to weigh, but most of all I have learned how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I now even enjoy shopping!!! I went from a size 14 to a size 2. No lie! Everyone at work is so surprised, I have them researching the HCG Diet and signing up!

I often wondered about these testimonials and just how much truth there is. Well, all I can tell you is that I am so happy with the new me! Thank you, Dr. Bird!