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Fighting Headaches with Hormones

Fighting Headaches with Hormones

Just about everyone, at some point in their life, has had a headache. They are caused by things like stress, lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, and now, as numerous studies are showing, a decrease in naturally occuring hormones. Migraines are even worse. A migraine is a neurological disease that causes visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to sound, light, taste or smell and even numbness in the extremities of the face. Their cause has also been linked to low levels of certain hormones in the body.  According to the Migraine Research Foundation, an estimated 36 million Americans suffer from migraines. Most of these sufferers turn to over-the-counter medications as their first line of defense against headaches and migraines. But did you know that hormone therapy might be an option for you to decrease headache frequency or eliminate migraines altogether??

Cortisol is naturally produced in the body by your adrenal glands and is then converted into other hormones like testosterone and estrogen. Low levels are associated with aging, illness, chronic stress, fatigue, low libido, and migraine headaches. Bringing levels of cortisol back to more optimal readings can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines, especially when given in combination with other hormones. Testosterone is the primary androgen produced by the testes in men and in the adrenal gland and ovaries in women. Most consider it primarily a male hormone, but it plays a vital role in maintaining mood, energy, libido, and lean body mass in both sexes. Any man with migraine or severe headaches is a good canidate for hormone replacement therapy, especially if the headaches are also coupled with fatigue, erectile dysfunction, depression or obesity. Women with low levels of testosterone may suffer from headaches, depression, fatigue and reduced libido as well.

If you suffer from headaches or migraines, don't be satisfied with taking pain killers your whole life. Consultations with transformyou and Dr. Bird are always free and it will be worth your time to see if hormone therapy might rid you of your debilitating pain.

Contact us at 480-839-4131 or fill out our consultation request form on our Contact Us page to schedule your consultation.