When it comes to cancer, we can all agree that the earlier you can find it, the better. Cancers diagnosed early have a 4x higher survival rate over a 5 year period than cancers diagnosed in later stages.
Our practice is now offering a detection test called Galleri® that detects cancer signals across more than 50 types of cancer with a simple blood draw. The Galleri test is recommended for adults with an elevated risk for cancer, such as those aged 50 or older.
Galleri is intended to detect cancer signals and predict where in the body the cancer signal is located. The Galleri test does not detect all cancers and should be used in addition to routine cancer screening tests recommended by a healthcare provider.
Defeating cancer starts with early detection
Today, the majority of cancers are found too late, when the prognosis is often poor and treatment options are limited. The earlier that cancer is diagnosed, the greater the chance of successful treatment and survival. Routine screening tests are recommended for cancers such as breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung, because they have been shown to decrease cancer-specific mortality for the individual cancers that they detect.
Most cancers lack routine screening
71% of cancer deaths are caused by cancers without recommended screening. New tests are needed that can effectively detect many types of cancer early to give people a greater chance of improved outcomes. The Galleri test can detect more than 50 types of cancer, many of which lack routine screening options. So how is this done?
Different cancers shed DNA into the bloodstream at different rates. The proportion of tumor-derived cfDNA in the blood tends to increase as cancer progresses. Cancers that shed more DNA at earlier stages tend to be associated with higher mortality. The greater the proportion of cfDNA in a sample, the stronger its signal and the more likely it is to be detected by the Galleri test. The Galleri test has a 76.3% sensitivity rate in cancers that cause two-thirds of cancer deaths in the US.
The cancer types specified here account for 63% of all estimated cancer deaths. The Galleri test detected a cancer signal in approximately 3 out of 4 people with one of the cancers in this high-signal cancer group. 3x more cancers could be detected early if the Galleri test was added to guideline-recommended cancer screenings.
Process & Results
The screening is done with a simple blood draw in our office. The specimen is sent out and then the results sent back to us. The results will either indicate a negative or positive screen.
This test result is not a cancer diagnosis and requires follow-up diagnostic tests such as imaging or blood tests ordered by your healthcare provider to confirm cancer.
GRAIL also offers patients and providers additional support and resources if needed to help guide next steps.
- Galleri can predict where in your body a cancer signal may be coming from
- Results may be inaccurate, as both false positives and false negatives can happen
- Galleri should not be used as the only screening test; take any other screening tests recommended by your doctor
If a “Cancer Signal Detected” result with the Galleri test does not confirm cancer after additional screening, patients may be eligible for a complimentary retest
Click Here for Sample Negative Screen Report
Click Here for Sample Positive Screen Report
Pricing is simple
Cost for the office visit, blood draw and Galleri test is $1150.
To schedule a consultation call 480-839-4131 or use the consultation request form located throughout the site.
Important safety information:
The Galleri test is recommended for use in adults with an elevated risk for cancer, such as those aged 50 or older. The Galleri test does not detect all cancers and should be used in addition to routine cancer screening tests recommended by a healthcare provider. Galleri is intended to detect cancer signals and predict where in the body the cancer signal is located. Use of Galleri is not recommended in individuals who are pregnant, 21 years old or younger, or undergoing active cancer treatment. Results should be interpreted by a healthcare provider in the context of medical history, clinical signs and symptoms. A test result of “No Cancer Signal Detected” does not rule out cancer. A test result of “Cancer Signal Detected” requires confirmatory diagnostic evaluation by medically established procedures (e.g. imaging) to confirm cancer. If cancer is not confirmed with further testing, it could mean that cancer is not present or testing was insufficient to detect cancer, including due to the cancer being located in a different part of the body. False-positive (a cancer signal detected when cancer is not present) and false-negative (a cancer signal not detected when cancer is present) test results do occur. Rx only.
Laboratory & Test Information:
The GRAIL laboratory is CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited. The Galleri test was developed and its performance characteristics were determined by GRAIL. The Galleri test has not been cleared or approved by FDA. The GRAIL laboratory is regulated under CLIA to perform high-complexity testing. The Galleri test is for clinical purposes. Administration. GRAIL’s clinical laboratory is regulated under CLIA to perform high-complexity testing. The Galleri test is intended for clinical purposes.