Telemedicine Appointments Available! 

 Coming soon Retatrutide - Semaglutide 10, 12.5 or 25mg vials  - Tirzepatide 60, 75 or 180mg vials


Top Peptides for Injury and Recovery

Keeping our bodies in shape, active, and mobile is a huge part of our quality of life. This may be more important for some than others. Some of us have physically demanding jobs, and others participate in sports or other activities that require optimal physical performance. For some, being active is daily or up to 3-4 times a week. For others, the only time to get out and be active is on the weekend. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you want to be able to perform. Our bodies are indeed capable of doing great things, but in the process of maintaining our active lifestyle, there is always the risk of injury.

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Peptides and Aging: Build Strength and Improve Weaknesses

older man lifting weights

There has been a great deal of discussion about peptides as a mainstay in therapeutic options for acute and chronic conditions. The environment and landscape are quickly unfolding to embrace peptides as another treatment option. Currently, there are 140 clinical trials involving peptides, and there are 500 more pre-clinical trials that will start up soon. As of today, over 60 peptide drugs are FDA approved. They are potent, safe, and specific, with little to no side effects. Peptides are essentially made of amino acids. When certain amino acids are combined, they can create different kinds of peptides. When peptides are connected, they form different proteins. On a historical note, Insulin was the first peptide introduced to the market back in 1921.

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What is Thymosin Beta 4?

Thymosin is a hormone secreted from the thymus; a small, irregular-shaped gland in the top part of the chest, just under the breastbone and between the lungs. The thymus is responsible for regulating the immune system and tissue repair. Thymosin Beta 4 (Tβ4) is a naturally occurring peptide made up of 43 amino acid proteins.

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