If you have any questions in addition to the ones below, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Bird where you will be able to go over many of the questions and concerns pertinent to you. Call 480-839-4131 or fill out a consultation request form to schedule your initial consultation regarding testosterone replacement therapy.
Q: Where are you located?
A: We are located outside of the metro Phoenix area in Tempe. We serve patients all over the country as long as there is an initial face to face visit. Patients can be monitored remotely after the first visit.
Q: What types of Testosterone do you use?
A: We use Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone cream.
Q: Is it true that a man's Estrogen can rise once Testosterone replacement has begun?
A: Yes, as a matter of fact this will happen almost to everyone who begins treatment. Testosterone is converted to Estrogen through an aromatase enzyme. To prevent this from happening during treatment we will use a medication called an aromatase inhibitor so that your Estrogen levels stay low.
Q: Will my body be able to produce its own Testosterone after treatment?
A: In many cases, yes, we use two medications during and after treatment to help you body continue to produce its own Testosterone. If you have a true problem where your body is unable to make its own Testosterone then you may have be on continuous treatment. We can determine where the problems is after one cycle of Testosterone replacement.
Q: What if my blood test shows lower levels of Testosterone but the lab didn't mark it as low?
A: Testosterone has quite a large numerical range of what they call "normal levels." It could be anywhere from 250 up to 1100ng/dl depending on which lab service is used. Even if you are at the low end of normal you can begin treatment. Most men feel their best when their serum levels are between 600-900ng/dl.
Q: What is the difference between serum and free Testosterone?
A: Serum testosterone is basically your total testosterone level as measured in your blood. Free testosterone is the testosterone in your blood that is not bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). It is this free testosterone that is biologically active meaning it's able to exert it's effect by permeating a cell and activating its receptor.
Q: Is SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) bad?
A: Reducing SHBG will increase free testosterone and a rise in SHBG will decrease free testosterone. So it could be bad if you had high levels of it. Certain substrates, hormones, nutrients and even food have an effect on increasing or decreasing SHBG. High insulin levels as well as high IGF-1 levels decrease SHBG. Estrogen increases SHBG.
Other questions?
Call 480-839-4131 or fill out a consultation request form to schedule your initial consultation regarding testosterone replacement therapy.
All patients always work directly with one of our licensed physicians to ensure patient safety and confidentiality.
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