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 Coming soon Retatrutide - Semaglutide 10, 12.5 or 25mg vials  - Tirzepatide 60, 75 or 180mg vials


I decided to give the HCG diet another chance, in an effort to better my health and lose weight for my upcoming wedding. I had tried it twice before, on my own, but found greater success and much more guidance with Dr. Bird.  After 3 weeks, I lost a total of 20 lbs and several inches but lost a total of 50 lbs since the first time trying the diet months earlier.

Michal Poston - El Mirage, Arizona

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I finally reached my goal! My friends went on the HCG diet through other clinics in the valley.  None of them received the support material, follow-ups, or the insight that I found with Dr. Bird. He helped get me through the plateaus and would not let me fall short of my goal. I did the 30-day program and am very happy to have lost the last 16 pounds. I recommend Dr. Bird’s guidance to anyone who has reached a level of frustration with those stubborn extra pounds and is ready to get rid of them.
Thanks for all your help!

Mona Houle - Phoenix, Arizona

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I recently did a seven-week HCG course with Dr. Bird and saw phenomenal results. In that time frame, I lost 40.5 pounds and have started to learn how to eat differently for my health and my life. I found the program to be easy to understand and Dr. Bird made sure that my questions were answered before I got started. I actually booked multiple appointments with Dr. Bird during my decision-making process and he graciously provided me with all the time I needed to ask my questions and feel good about the decision I made to try HCG.

Sarah Hawley - Arizona

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I've struggled with my weight for a long time. I started to think maybe I'd just be a really "curvy" girl forever. Then, I heard about the HCG diet from family friends and the success they had with it. After researching it, I knew it was the best fit to get me back on track.

Sarah - Rexburg, Idaho

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I have been trying to lose 30 pounds for the last 2 years and I tried everything. Nothing ever worked even though I stuck with each and every diet. I was able to lose the 30 pounds with the HCG diet and I have to say that it is the best diet out there, it truly worked for me. I would do it again in a heartbeat if I had to. I did the 40-day program plus a few extra days and was able to get to my goal weight plus a little extra. I met with Dr. Bird every week, he listened and was very supportive during the whole process, he walked me through step by step.

Thanks, Dr. Bird!

Katie T. - cHANDLER, Az

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My name is  Sharon and I am 43 years old. During a nursing shift an RN at one of the hospitals I frequent looked really good. I asked her to tell me what her secret was. She then directed me to the Dr.Simeons HCG diet. She informed me that Dr. Bird is a well-knowledged physician that monitors his patients through their HCG journey and that I should call him for a free consultation. This appealed to me but the 500 calories a day did not. After the 1 hr consultation with Dr. Bird, I decided that I could do it. Dr. Bird provided me with the additional reinforcement that I needed to commit to the process.

Sharon H. - Phoenix, Arizona

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I would like to thank Dr. Bird for helping me lose 22 pounds on the HCG diet. I have yo-yoed for years and this was just what I needed to take the weight off and change my lifestyle. The resources and accessibility to the doctor always made me feel like my health and needs were being looked after. I have recommended Dr. Bird to everyone I know. Thank you for giving me back the ”me” I knew and loved.

Christy H. - Chandler, Arizona

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I can't stress enough and certainly can't stop telling everyone how much I love the HCG weight loss plan! I was, at first, a bit skeptical of having to give my self a shot every day, but I got brave and it wasn't even hard.  I also thought I would be hungry all the time...I really wasn't.  I stuck to the plan for the whole program, without cheating even once! That is so great for me!  I was so excited every morning to jump on my scale because I knew I had lost at least "some" weight! (most mornings I averaged about 1 lb) I can't say it enough that having the support of your doctor and having him available to you all the time is wonderful! Dr. Bird is so caring and understanding, and to me, it meant a lot.  

Michelle A.

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I just completed my 30-day program and have lost 27 pounds and it was easier than I thought it would be!   I wasn't sure if this program would work for me since my job requires that I travel frequently. I think the hardest part was eating anything and everything I wanted in the first two days.  I lost 11.5 pounds in week one and 8.5 pounds in week two.  I struggled in week three gaining and losing that week and still lost 2 pounds.   I was back on track in week 4, losing 5 pounds. I did travel each week while on this program which meant I ate out almost every day.   So 27 pounds later, I'll tell you, YOU CAN DO IT!! 

Being on this program really made me think before making food choices. I did not want to sabotage the progress I had made.  I have lost 17.25 inches as well!   I had fun this weekend going through my closet and getting rid of the "big" clothes and reintroducing myself to my "smaller" wardrobe!! I look forward to my maintenance program and continued weight loss.

Thanks for all of your support and the kick in the pants I needed to live a healthier lifestyle!

Susan Andres - ARIZONA

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My entire life I have spent trying to lose weight. I tried every fad diet out there, only to lose weight and then gain it all, plus more, right back.  A friend of mine suggested I meet with Dr. Bird and I decided to at least meet with him to see if I liked what I heard.  After researching it before the meeting and then after meeting with him, I knew this was a diet I could stick to.  Although the diet can feel limiting at times, it's a lot easier to resist temptation when you see those amazing results on the scale.  I have lost 25.4 pounds on the 40 day HCG plan and have learned healthy eating habits that will help me throughout the rest of my life.

Hannah K. - Arizona

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